Observation Guidelines for Great Falls Elementary

The following guidelines have been developed in order to maintain a safe and secure learning environment at Great Falls Elementary School.   In the event a family would like to observe a student or have a clinician observe a student in their classroom environment, the following policy points must be followed:

  • Parents/observer must contact the Principal and Assistant Principal in advance to arrange a mutually agreed upon date and time to observe in the school setting. Please provide specific reasons for the visit to assure the observation is productive and appropriate. Permission is required in order to arrange the observation.
  • Parents must sign a confidentiality release form before visitor/observer is allowed an observation.
  • The school administrator will be present during all observations.
  • Observations are set for a limited amount of time not to exceed 30 minutes (or time determined by administrator) in an individual classroom setting. This will assure a limited amount of disruption and distraction for the students and teachers. If the parent/guardian would like to complete more than one visit/observation, he/she must seek permission from the school administrator.
  • If a parent wishes to bring another visitor/observer with him/her, permission must be sought from the school administrator. Other family members, consultants/advocates, therapists and/or other professionals visiting must be approved by the administrator.
  • The school administrator reserves the right to refuse or decline an observation or visit if it is deemed inappropriate or if it is believed the observation may cause a disruption to the educational environment.
  • No pictures, video taping or electronic devices will be allowed during the observation.
  • Shadowing of GFES students is not permitted.
  • All visitors are required to check in at the main office.