Top 10 Reasons Great Falls Students Shine
Excellence in Every Classroom
Great Falls Elementary is committed to academic excellence, providing students with challenges and support tailored to their strengths and needs. Our school features a Local Level IV Advanced Academic Center, a robust Japanese Immersion program, and exciting opportunities for students to participate in enriching competitions such as Continental Math, Word Masters, Science Olympiad, and many more.
Portrait of a G
raduate Skills
Great Falls Elementary students use Roadrunner Family groupings to practice and strengthen Portrait of a Graduate skills in grades k-6. Students in mixed-age groups are building community, setting goals, and learning to communicate effectively. Students are developing essential life skills and a strong sense of belonging by creating family names and mottos and discussing what it means to be part of a school family.
Your Child's Journey, Our Passion
Great Falls Elementary is home to a dedicated team of experienced educators who are passionate about teaching and committed to giving their best to every student. Our staff works closely with parents to foster an environment where each student is known by name and supported according to their unique strengths and needs.
A Place Where Everyone Belongs
Great Falls Elementary fosters a warm, welcoming environment and a collaborative spirit among students, families, and staff. Our active Parent Teacher Association (PTA) brings our school community together through exciting events like Fall Festivals, Movie Nights, Bingo Nights, and International Nights. Additionally, our PTA supports the school as we work to make meaningful connections with new families through a buddy family program and military-connected families through our Purple Star School designation.
Making our MARK
Great Falls Elementary fosters a strong sense of community and character through our M.A.R.K. character education program--Mindful, Accountable, Responsible, and Kind. When our students are on their MARK, they develop essential life skills, such as positive decision-making, self-regulation, integrity, and problem-solving, while building a strong sense of belonging within their school community.
Learning, Reimagined
Great Falls Elementary empowers students with technology and STEAM. Students use devices like laptops and tablets, and teachers utilize digital tools to enhance learning. The STEAM lab fosters creativity and innovation through hands-on experiences in science, technology, engineering, arts, and math.
Work Hard, Play Hard
Great Falls Elementary works with our PTA to offer a variety of after-school clubs and arts programs to enrich students' learning experiences. To explore their interests, students can join clubs like cooking, chess, Girls on the Run, Let Me Run, and before-school Spanish. The school also offers arts programs such as band, choir, and theater to nurture creativity and talent. In addition, parent volunteers enrich the school day with art projects and activities.
Think Globally, Learn Locally
Great Falls Elementary's Japanese Immersion Program begins in first grade and provides a unique opportunity for students to learn math and science in the Japanese language. This immersive approach enhances language proficiency and fosters cross-cultural understanding. Students develop cognitive flexibility, problem-solving skills, and a global perspective by studying academic subjects through a foreign language.
Nurturing Minds, Inspiring Souls
Great Falls Elementary offers a well-rounded education that goes beyond academics. Students can explore their interests through counseling, library, art, music, physical education, and performing arts programs such as strings and band. Our students are encouraged to explore leadership opportunities through our Student Council Association, Patrols, Student Ambassadors program, WGFES Morning News show, or Green Team.
Empowering Students, Inspiring Change
Great Falls Elementary fosters a strong sense of community by partnering with various organizations to engage in monthly service learning projects. Students work alongside the PTA, local food banks, senior living centers, the Langley Pyramid, and FCPS sister schools to give back to the community. These collaborative efforts not only instill a sense of responsibility and empathy in students but also provide opportunities to learn valuable life skills and positively impact the world around them.