Welcome Military Families

We are proud to provide support for military families in our community!

Welcome to Great Falls Elementary

Great Falls is dedicated to supporting our military connected families! Whether you are permanently moving to our school or your stay will be temporary, our school and staff will be able to assist with your transition into and/or out of our area. 

Point of Contact

Our parent liaison, Sue Kim, will be happy to help answer your questions and connect you with community resources!  She'll help your child connect with peers through the student ambassador program and will help you navigate the nuances of starting in a new school system.

Student Ambassador Program

Our student ambassador program connects new Great Falls students with student leaders who will help them learn about our school and community. New students will be connected with these ambassadors to welcome them, show them around the school, and assist them in building new relationships. 

As you get settled in our community, the following resources may be of help:

Family Resource Center | Fairfax County Public Schools (fcps.edu)

  • The Family Resource Center (FRC) offers free webinars, confidential consultations, a lending library, and resources to help adults support the success of all students, including those with learning challenges, special needs, and disabilities.  

Exceptional Family Member Program 

  • Managing the care and services for a family member with special needs — whether it’s a spouse, child or dependent adult.

Virginia Council on the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children