School Innovation & Improvement Plan at a Glance
2024-2025 School Improvement & Innovation Plan
English Language Arts
Universal Outcome: The percentage of K-3 students meeting the spring reading benchmark will increase by 5% by the end of the 2024-25 school year.
Targeted Outcome: The percentage of Multilingual Learners who demonstrate appropriate progress in WIDA language acquisition will increase by 5% by the end of the 2024-25 school year.
Strategy 1: Increase the efficiency of instructional delivery to ensure all students have daily access to all components of the language arts block as outlined in the new core curriculum.
Strategy 2: Increase opportunities for English Language Development through embedded strategies during whole-group instruction and intentional small-group instruction focused on specific student needs.
Strategy 3: Use embedded formative assessments in the new core curriculum to guide tier 1 and tier 2 instructional decisions.
Universal Outcome: By the end of the 2024-25 school year, the percentage of students in grades 1-6 that demonstrated expected growth within the year on the Math iReady will increase by 5%.
Targeted Outcome: By the end of the 2024-25 school year, the percentage of students with disabilities meeting or exceeding the EMAS (Early Mathematics Assessment System) or iReady grade level benchmark will increase by 5%.
Strategy 1: Increase teachers' content knowledge and implementation of the updated FCPS mathematics program of studies.
Strategy 2: Increase teacher implementation of explicit instruction and other components of effective mathematics intervention.
Strategy 3: Increase teachers’ implementation strategies related to Shift 8: from looking for correct answers towards revealing student thinking.
Portrait of a Graduate (POG)
Outcome: By the end of the 2024-25 school year, 100% of students will learn about, use, and apply POG skills in their core classes and specials and will score at least proficient on two areas of the Portrait of a Graduate Presentation of Learning (POG POL) rubric.
Strategy 1: Create portfolios dedicated to documenting growth in Communication skills
Strategy 2: Engage students in reflection and planning to share their growth in a presentation of learning.
Strategy 3: Create opportunities for students to share their growth in a POG POL.